The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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Please select the item you want help with:
1. Add a record
2. Modify a record
3. Delete a record
4. View a record
5. Print a report
6. Change print options
7. Change print order
8. Select cases to print
9. Create a new database
10. List/Modify formulas
11. Format of database (display)
12. Select a database
13. Import/Export a database
14. User supported software
Press ESC to return to Main menu.
{ A D D A R E C O R D
Select this option to add a record(s) to your database. You
need to "create" the database before you can add to it. If you
are uncertain about how to do so, see the HELP screen for creating
a new database.
If you have not already done so, you will be asked to select
a database. You will then be given the "ADD" screen. This screen
contains the field names and a place for you to enter your data.
Fields are marked by a highlighted (cursor) bar. When you have
completed the entry for a given field, you can press the TAB key,
the ENTER key, the Up arrow key or the Down arrow key. All work
equally well to move to the next field. Once you have entered the
data for the last field of the record, the screen will clear and
you will be given a new screen for the next record you will enter.
Should you find you made a mistake on the present record, you
can move to the field that has an error by pressing either the Up
or Down arrow key. You can then insert, delete, or replace the
incorrect data. To move into the Replace mode, press the INSERT
key (marked "Ins"). To return to the Insert mode, press the INSERT
key again. You cannot insert letters that will cause the field to
be too long. (Your computer will beep if you try to do so.)
When you finish adding records, press the ESC key to return
to the Main menu.
{ M O D I F Y A R E C O R D
This option will allow you to modify a record(s) that has
already been stored in your database. You must first select
the database, if you have not already done so.
Next, a list of field names will appear on your screen.
Information can be retrieved from your database using any of your
key fields. Select one of the keys with which to search the database.
After the key is selected, you can find the record you want
by: (1) supplying the value for the key, and the program will
try to find that record; (2) Get the first record for that given
key; or (3) Get the last record. If you selected the key field
"Last Name," for example, you could select option 1 and enter the
name "Smith" to find the first Smith in your database.
Once you select the option, you will see the record on the
screen. You can now edit the record by moving the cursor (using
the arrow keys) to the desired field, and then typing in the new
information. You can delete a character by pressing the DEL key.
You can input a character (if the field is not already filled).
And you can replace a character (by pressing the INS key to
transfer to the Replace mode and then typing over the letter you
want to replace).
You can find the next record in the sequence by pressing the
PgDn key. The PgUp key will give you the previous record. Press
the ESC key when you finish modifying the records.
{ D E L E T E A R E C O R D
At some time when you will probably want to delete a record
from your database. You must first select the database if you
have not already done so.
Next, you must select one of the key fields for the program
to use to find your record. For example, if you select the key
field "Last Name," the database will be sorted in ascending order
based on last name.
You can select how the program will try to find your
record. Select option 1 if you want to enter a value and have
the program search for a match. For example, if you want to delete
Mr. Smith's record, select option 1 to find the record by the key,
and then enter "Smith". You can also find the first (option 2),
or last (option 3) record for the keyed field.
After you select the option, you will see the record. Again,
you can browse through the file by pressing the PgDn key, for the
next record, or the PgUp key, for the previous record. When you
have found the record you want to delete, press the ENTER key. You
will be asked to confirm that you want to delete this record. If
you do confirm the delete, the record will be deleted. You can
then press the PgDn or the PgUp key to get another record to
delete. Press the ESC key when you finish.
{ V I E W A R E C O R D
If you would like to view a record(s) in your database without
running the risk of accidentally modifying the record, you can
select the View option. You must first select the database from
which to view the record.
Next, select one of the key fields for the program to use to
find your record. For example, if you select the key field "Last
Name," the database will be sorted in ascending order based on last
You can select how the program will find your record. Select
option 1 if you want to enter a value and have the program search
for a match. For example, if you want to view Mr. Smith's record,
select option 1 to find the record by the key, and then enter "Smith".
You can also find the first (option 2) or last (option 3) record for
the keyed field.
Once you have selected an option, you will see the record. You
can browse through the file by pressing the PgDn key, for the next
record, or the PgUp key, for the previous record. Although you can
use the Up and Down arrows to highlight a field, you will not be
allowed to make any changes. Press the ESC key when you have finished,
to return to the "KEYED FIELDS" screen. Press the ESC key again to
return to the Main menu.
{ P R I N T A R E P O R T
After you have entered the data, you will at some point want
to print a report. You can "print" a report to paper, to your
screen, or even to a disk file. Your first action will be to
select the database you want to use. Following the selection
of the database, your disk will be searched to find out whether
you have saved any previous report formats to disk. If you have,
you will be able to select one of those for use or choose to
create a new report format. Before printing a report, you will
be given the chance to save the new report format, if it differs
from the default report formats, and if you have not already
saved it to disk.
There are many options for printing a report. All the
options have default values, though. You can select to first
print the report and then check whether you need to change any
of the default print values. Further information is available
in the following Help screens: Change print options, Change
print order, and Select cases to print.
{ C H A N G E P R I N T O P T I O N S
Select this option (number 2 on Print menu) if you want to
change where to print the report (printer, screen, or disk). You
can also select how the report will be printed. The "Snapshot"
option allows you to print one record per page. Each field will be
labeled and on a separate line (much like it appeared on your screen
when you were entering the data). The "Listing" option (number 4 on
the Change Options submenu) yields one line for each record. You can
change the number of lines per page and the width of the page.
The starting column location (the first print position on the
left side of the page) can also be changed. The default for the
number of spaces between fields on the report is 3, although this
can be changed. If you want to print out labels from your database,
you can select option B and specify the actual size of the label
you will be using. You can enter a report title (option C) if you
wish. If you do not enter a report title, the description you
entered for your database will be used.
{ C H A N G E P R I N T O R D E R
By changing the "Select Field" column from a "Y" (for Yes)
to a "N" (for No), a field will be dropped from the report.
Select this option if you want to change the order of the fields
on your report: move the cursor to a Field name and change the
numbers under the column labeled "Print." If you change a number
the first item from "1" to "10", the field will be the tenth
one printed rather than the first. You can also specify that
certain fields will print on one line while others will print
on the following line. Change the number under the column
labeled "Line Nbr." to do so. For example, if you change the
line number to "2" for your final field, that field will appear
on a separate line by itself. You can change the order of sorting
for your report: You might choose to sort on a field that does
not have a key, or to sort in descending rather than ascending
order. You can also combine fields for the sort: For example,
if you put a "1" in the "Sort" column fir the "City" field, and
a "2" for the field for "Last Name" field, your database will be
sorted first by the city, and then by last name within that city.
That is, all the Smiths from Chicago will be listed together and
all the Smiths from Phoenix will be listed together. You can
select to sort any fields and any combination of fields up to 256
characters long. Fields can also be sorted in either ascending or
descending order by changing the "Methods" column.
{ S E L E C T C A S E S T O P R I N T
The "Select case" option, option 4 on the Print Menu, allows
you to select a case that has a certain value (for example, all
records that have a value of "Smith" in the "Last Name" field).
After selecting this option, you specify the desired field name by
cursor movement. Once the field name is highlighted, press the
ENTER key. The next prompt deals with the "relationship" between
the field and the value you will enter. You can decide to select
the record if the field's value is equal to, less than, greater
than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or not equal
to the value you have entered for your selection test. After
entering the relationship, you will be prompted to enter the value
to be compared. Select the "And" or "Or" options if you are going
to enter another field to be tested. Select the "None" option if
no more fields are to be tested. For example, if you want to select
records of only those persons who live in New York City AND have an
outstanding balance of $1000 or more, you will need to select the
"And" connector. If you want the records of all customers living
in New York City OR who owe $1000 or more, you need to select the
"Or" option. You can make up to 25 different comparisons for any
one report.
{ C R E A T E A N E W D A T A B A S E
Before you can add any records or print any reports, you must
first "create" the database. This is the process by which you name
the fields you want to use, and specify their size, the type of
data they will contain, and whether they will be a key field.
You will first be asked to name the database. This name must
be a valid "DOS" name of up to 8 characters. Because it is often
hard to create a meaningful name in only 8 characters, you will
be given the chance to enter an optional description of the data-
base. This description can be up to 35 characters long.
Next, you will need to enter the specifications for the various
fields. You will first be asked for the Field Name. This name can
be up to 12 characters long. Spaces may be included, but each field
name must be unique.
The field's data type refers to how the field will be used.
If you define the field as numeric, the computer will sum that
field when it makes a report. Also, you will be prevented from
typing any nonnumeric characters. Date fields require the format
of month/day/year (mm/dd/yy). Alphanumeric fields may contain any
type of character. Computed fields use formulas you supply.
The length of date fields must be 8, numeric fields must be no
longer than 15 characters to ensure proper arithmetic. Alphanumeric
fields may be up to 65 characters. The maximum total record length
is 1000 characters. Specify a field as key if you will want to use it
later to find or to sort data. You may specify a maximum of 10 keys.
{ L I S T / M O D I F Y F O R M U L A S
The List/Modify formulas command allows you to view all
formulas you have defined for the computed fields in your data-
base. You can also modify any of the formulas using this command.
If you want to edit one of the formulas, position the cursor
on the formula to be edited using the arrow keys. Edit the formula:
You may press the INS key to enter into the Replace mode if you like.
When you have completed the editing, be certain to press the ENTER
key so that the changes you made will be saved by the program.
When you have completed all editing tasks, press the ESC key
to return to the Main menu.
{ F O R M A T O F D A T A B A S E (D I S P L A Y)
Once a database has been selected, this command will display
the format that you specified when you created the database. That
is, for each field you created, you will see a listing of the field
name, length (in characters), data type, and whether it is designed
as a key field. Use of this command save you from having to memorize
the database format. A simple viewing of the screen will tell you,
for example, how many characters are in a given field, or whether
a field is defined as numeric, date, alphanumeric or computed.
After reviewing the database structure, press ESC to return to
the Main menu.
{ S E L E C T D A T A B A S E
The Select database command opens (loads) a database. A data-
base must be opened before any action such as adding a record or
printing a report can be taken. If you forget to do so initially,
you will be asked to select the database before any other action.
You can also use this command to select a different database
once you have completed processing on the current one.
When you execute the Select database command, you will see a
list (directory) of database names and descriptions. Choose the
database (file) you wish to open by moving the cursor (using the
arrow keys) and then pressing ENTER.
Press ESC to return to the Main menu.
{ I M P O R T / E X P O R T A D A T A B A S E
To transfer data from a spreadsheet or another database
program, you will want to use the Import/Export a database command.
This command requires that the incoming data be a DIF (Data Inter-
change Format) file.
To import, use the Import command. If a database is not cur-
rently active, you will be asked to select the database into which
you want the incoming data to be loaded. This database can be
empty (presently contains no records) or can already have records
in it. After loading all the new records into your database you
will be returned to the Main menu.
Exporting a database is the reverse of importing. This
process will create a DIF file to be used by other programs. If
you want to create an ASCII file, select the Print option and
then select to print to disk. Exporting a database is very
similar to printing one, because you can control many of the same
features (e.g., which fields will be printed, in what order they
will print, selection of only certain cases). You may select to
change any of these items, or select to export the entire database
just as it is.
{ U S E R S U P P O R T E D S O F T W A R E
FreeFile is a "user supported" program. What is meant by
that is, FreeFile is available to anyone who wants to use it at a
no cost (if you get the program from Stilwell Software Products
we charge $10 to help cover the cost of postage and handling).
This method of distributing computer software allows you to try
the program without having to pay for it in advance. It also
allows you to freely share the program with other users without
the fear of prosecution by the owner of the program.
If you find FreeFile of use, you are asked to send a contrib-
ution of $45 to its author:
Stilwell Software Products
16403 North 43rd Drive
Glendale, AZ 85306
By sending a contribution you will become a register owner
of FreeFile. You will received a printed copy of the manual and
will be eligible for support from us. You will also receive a
program called REBUILD. The REBUILD progam will allow you to
reconstruct your database in the event it becomes damaged from
not terminating the program in the normal way (e.g., if the power
goes out while you are updating a record).